Spell Check for Outlook Express (Free Fix)

Dennis Faas's picture

Clif Notes Reader 'Gerald' from Africa writes:

" Thank you Clif for your help with Tidying up the Start Menu. I have another question for you today, if I may. How can I get spellcheck to work in outlook express? The option appears to be not available. "

Clif's response:

You can get around this problem by using a freeware Spell Checker for Outlook Express. Note that the spell check in Outlook Express won't work (by default) unless you have MS Office installed.

From the Major Geek web site:

" [SpellChecker for OE is a] free program, made to allow people to use Spell Checker in Outlook Express. This is a stand alone application, that incorporates in Outlook Express. The purpose of this program, is to supply for free the ability to use Spelling in OE, without the need to purchase other software, such as MS Word,Works, or Office. "


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