Microsoft Hopes Vista Users Prefer Fame to Fixes

Dennis Faas's picture

News has been spreading rapidly across the tech world regarding Microsoft's recent decision to hire Jerry Seinfeld, famed comedian and former sitcom star, as its primary spokesman for an advertising campaign designed to sell Windows Vista, the company's down-and-out operating system (OS).

Released early last year, Windows Vista has undergone some tough times. Repeatedly berated by tech experts for its design flaws that compromise security or generally dampen system performance, the OS continues to be outsold by its predecessor, Windows XP. In the constantly-changing tech world, that's a bit like being beaten by your retired father at a game of driveway hoops.

Solution, according to Microsoft? Turn those corporate and home user frowns upside down! Seinfeld, best known for his work on the sitcom bearing his own name, will reportedly receive $10 million for the campaign, which many expect to emulate the style used by Apple in its PC-bashing television spots. Reports are that now-retired Microsoft chairman and company face-to-the-world Bill Gates will join Seinfeld in the commercials. Currently, we at Infopackets remain undecided whether that will be plain 'ol awkward, or could, by chance, feature the kind of smooth guy/nerd formula so fluid between Seinfeld and Jason Alexander (George Costanza). (Source:

Aside from awe over Seinfeld's price tag (this is the man who first demanded a cool million for each episode of Seinfeld, a move that eventually led to the series' end in 1998), critics with powerful memories (and serious sitcom addictions) have already pointed out that the star used a Mac on his show over a decade ago.

It has led CNET News to suggest a host of alternative options, from a Star Trek borg drone to Steve Carell to just about anyone from The Office. (Source:

Steve Carell? Has anyone seen Evan Almighty, or Get Smart for that matter?

As a lovable TV star who, unlike show neighbour Michael Richards (Kosmo Kramer) has yet to obliterate his public image, Seinfeld probably is Microsoft's best choice.

Whether it convinces anyone that Vista is a computer user's best choice is a whole other matter.

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