Show All Programs in Start Menu?

Dennis Faas's picture

Robert G. sent me this question:

" There appears to be a limit to the number of programs that can be listed in the Windows XP Start Menu [start button] when using Classic View. Is there a way to increase the number of programs that can be displayed at one time, without having to click that double arrow at the bottom of the Window? "

My response:I also use the Classic View for my Start Menu ... and it bugs me when I have to constantly click on that double arrow to show all contents.

As far as I know, the Expand [Documents, Pictures, ... Printers] option allows you to view all contents of a menu option that is normally collapsed, but I didn't see an option to Expand the Start Menu. I decided to try the Scroll option, but it did not appear to do anything to my computer at all: the double-arrows were still there in the Start Menu.

Is there a way around this?

I'm not sure. The Scroll feature doesn't seem to do anything for me when I tried it. Do you know how to remove those double arrows -- other than clicking on them -- in order to expand the Start Menu? Email me your answer.

Update 2003/02/25: This article has been updated. Click here to read!

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