
Dennis Faas's picture

Cell Phones Selling Indie Music?

EMusic, the second-largest online music distributor after Apple's iTunes, is expected to announce a deal with AT ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Amazon, Microsoft Breathe Life into HD-DVD

Owners of the HD-DVD format must feel as though they boarded the wrong boat. While many HD-DVD buyers, yours truly included, feel as if Blu-ray is blazing across the high seas and plundering each and every movie studio along the way, owners of ... Toshiba devices and the Xbox 360 add-on are left wondering just what kind of craft their floating upon. Lately, it feels like the Titanic. Blockbuster's recent decision to stock its shelves with Blu-ray movies exclusively certainly felt as if HD-DVD had slammed into a massive Atlantic iceberg. However, there's still evidence that the HD-DVD format has ... (view more)

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