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InAlbum 2.0 Deluxe Edition: Photo Organizer

More great news! has just released InAlbum 2.0 -- the amazing picture organizer that turns ordinary digital photos into stunning theme-based photo albums, chalk-full of animations, clipart, and sound. With a prestigious 5-out-of-5 ... star rating from and, InAlbum 2.0 Deluxe Edition is so amazing, you have to see it to believe it [links to online samples follow]! InAlbum 2.0 Deluxe Edition: How it works Begin by adding your photos to a list of ready-to-use (or custom) templates. Each template lets you combine, mix, and match background animations, buttons ... (view more)

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'Online Pdf Conversion', and 'Unofficial Web Applications List'

Online PDF Conversion Makes it possible for anyone to instantly convert their files to PDF or Image without the need of installing special software. Unofficial Web Applications List Folks like OddPost and Google have also ... been pushing the boundaries of browser-based technologies really hard, with the result that we have seen some really amazing web applications in recent years, such as Google Suggest and Google Maps. There is no doubt the feet of progress will continue to march on, and we should see even more fantastic web applications in the coming years. This site ... (view more)

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Hijack Guard by PC Tools (Freeware)

Infopackets Reader Troy V. writes: " Dear Dennis, Thank you so much for all your hard effort in reviewing our products, Registry Mechanic and Spyware Doctor . We have received quite a bit of positive feedback from your web site visitors, as I am ... sure you have as well. At this time, I want to let you know that PC Tools has just released a ground breaking new freeware product called 'Hijack Guard' that protects PC users from the next generation of Web hijacker [Spyware] threats. Hijack Guard detects and disables these threats on the shoppers PC, protecting both the shopper and the ... (view more)

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Receive newsletter in full?

Infopackets Reader Bob M. writes: " Dear Dennis, I always enjoy reading your newsletter. Every issue seems to have a topic or two of interest. Thanks very much for that. I have a question: I would like to receive the 'online' version of the ... newsletter, so that I don't always have to click on a link to read the rest of the story online the web site. I cannot find how to change my subscription information so that I receive all of the newsletter in my email inbox. How can I change my subscription to receive the online version? " My response: The newsletter used to be delivered via ... (view more)

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AceReader Pro Review

I love reading: online news, books, magazines -- put text in front of me, and I'll read it. My reading comprehension starts to decline if I push myself beyond a 350 words-per-minute pace. Someday, I hope to cross the 500 wpm mark. And, with some ... practice and the help of AceReader Pro, I just might get there. What is AceReader Pro? AceReader Pro is a software tool designed to improve reading skills through three distinctive toolsets. An assessment tool tests for current reading skill and tracks progress through periodic skill testing. A training tool teaches users to become more proficient ... (view more)

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Surveillance Software: record chat logs and more?

Have you ever wondered what your loved one is doing online? Infopackets Reader Lisa E. addressed a few of her concerns over the weekend: " Dear Dennis, I have Windows XP. I have several people using this computer and would like to know how to access ... chat files. Everyone has their logon password protected, and my children do a lot of chatting on Yahoo and MSN Messenger. Can you tell me how to find and access these files?" My response: I only use MSN Messenger on my Windows XP system, so I downloaded and installed the latest versions of Yahoo Messenger, ICQ Pro 2003, ICQ Lite, and AOL ... (view more)

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Infopackets Email Newsletter Format

It's been two weeks since the newsletter format has been changed to include "teaser" feature articles and a link to the rest of the story online. Over the weekend, I received a few disheartening emails with regard to the format change. Gan Soon B. ... in South East Asia writes: " Dear Dennis, I am writing to you to register my concern with the new format of your newsletter. Recently, I noticed that you have switched to a format which require users to go online to view the full contents of the newsletter. I figured that you have a valid concern for using that format, and so I didn't ... (view more)

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Kazaa Bandwidth Capped Downloads

If you share files online the Internet (trading MP3s, movies, software), you have undoubtedly already heard of Kazaa -- maybe even Kazaa Lite . In a nutshell Kazaa uses its own P2P (peer to peer) technology which allow users across the Internet to ... share files online. The last time I checked, there were about 2.2 million users online Kazaa, sharing some 5 million files. That's a lot of files. I'm not going to get into the complexities of how things work, because I've already discussed that in a previous issue of the Infopackets Gazette. Kazaa is free software which gets its funding from the ... (view more)

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Information Technology Abuse -- Privacy Issues (Part 2 of 2)

Abstract This article is a continuation of last week's issue of the Infopackets Gazette. This article presents an overview of current privacy issues, discusses potential methods in which an individual's privacy may be jeopardized, and examines ... specific countermeasures that can be used to protect private information. Information Technology Abuse -- Privacy Issues (Part 1 of 2) -- Third Layer: Firewalls, Web Filters, and Tracking Detection Firewalls: Any computer system that accesses the Internet should be equipped with a firewall to enable the user to detect and prevent unauthorized access to ... (view more)


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