
Dennis Faas's picture

'Pasco', and 'Forensic Tool Kit'

Pasco Tool for forensic analysis ofa subject's internet activity. Since this analysis technique is executed regularly, we researched the structure of the data found in Internet Explorer activity files (index.dat files). Pasco, the latin word meaning ... "browse," was developed to examine the contents of Internet Explorer's cache files. Pasco will parse the information in an index.dat file and output the results in a field delimited manner so that it may be imported into your favorite spreadsheet program. Pasco is built to work on multiple platforms and will execute on Windows (through Cygwin), ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

'Synergy', and 'Root Kit Hook Analyzer'

Synergy Share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems, each with its own display, without special hardware. It's intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own ... monitor(s). Redirecting the mouse and keyboard is as simple as moving the mouse off the edge of your screen. Synergy also merges the clipboards of all the systems into one, allowing cut-and-paste between systems. Furthermore, it synchronizes screen savers so they all start and stop together and, if screen locking is enabled, only one screen ... (view more)


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