
Dennis Faas's picture

'OutlookAddressBookView 1.65', and 'Outlook on the Desktop 2.1.3'

OutlookAddressBookView 1.65 OutlookAddressBookView displays all of the information related to the recipients found in your Microsoft Outlook address book. Displayed data is organized into several categories, including email address, name, street ... address, and phone number. http://www.nirsoft.net Outlook on the Desktop 2.1.3 This program takes the Microsoft Outlook calendar feature and places it directly on your desktop screen. That keeps your upcoming deadlines, tasks, and events in plain view all of the time. Because this is the actual Outlook calendar, you still get all of its original ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

'OutlookAddressBookView 1.25', and 'MC Audio Recorder 1.3'

OutlookAddressBookView 1.25 OutlookAddressBookView is a simple utility that displays the details of all contacts stored in the address books of Microsoft Outlook. You can easily select one or more of these contacts from the list and export their ... details into tab-delimited / comma-delimited / xml / html file, or copy them to the clipboard and then paste the list into Excel or some other program. http://www.nirsoft.net MC Audio Recorder 1.3 This free utility program allows you to convert audio from CDs, DVDs, tapes, live shows, TV, Internet radio, and video games into audio files that you can ... (view more)

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