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Microsoft Finds Extra Revenue in Domain Renewal Fees

Microsoft has some bad news for those who signed up for the Office Live Small Business service before February 2008. These people will now have to pay an additional fee to renew all web domains acquired through the service. This is not the first ... time that Microsoft has requested payment for domain renewals. In February 2008 the company started charging new customers $14.95 USD for each new web domain. Up until now, those who signed up for the Office Live Small Business service before February 2008 were exempt from paying any additional fee. In the Interest of Fairness... Now, all Office Live ... (view more)

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Spam All You Want, Undetected, for $700 Bucks

Web hosting services in China are allowing anyone to pay about $700 to send out an unlimited amount of spam worldwide. The service, also called "bulletproof hosting," is nothing new in the tech world. The actual intent of bulletproof hosting is to ... allow leniency in the kinds of material that users may upload. Unfortunately, spammers , gambling websites and porn pushers have constantly abused this system to the point where deviant behavior is almost expected. The Ministry of Public Security in China has been cracking down on online gambling sites and Internet pornographers for some time now, ... (view more)

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Future Web Domains Could End In .Anything Imaginable

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), an entity that oversees the online address system, recently approved a motion that would allow the standard eighteen suffixes to be joined with any other ending from .a to .z. For ... example, those wanting to research the history of Mickey Mouse might visit a website ending in '.disney.' The possibilities are seemingly endless, which is concerning a number of people. If you are anything like me, you sometimes find it difficult to remember if a particular website ends with a '.com,' '.net,' or '.org.' Now the trouble with accurate ... (view more)

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Who Could Hack Web Regulators?

A Turkish hacking group has vandalised the websites of those groups that run the Internet's address system. Sites belonging to the Internet Assigned Numbers Agency (IANA) and its parent organisation the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and ... Numbers (ICANN) both fell victim to the hackers. ICANN and IANA manage the routing system which allows web users to type in a domain name (such as ) rather than having to know the specific IP address (a string of numbers which identifies a particular computer) where the website is physically located. Their sites briefly redirected ... (view more)

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Major Changes On Cards For Website Address System

There are major changes in store for the way Internet addresses work; The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann), which runs the system used to 'translate' website addresses to the particular computer used to store each site's ... content, held its annual general meeting this week. It has backed plans to completely overhaul the top level domain system, which involves the letters that come after the final period in a site address. At the moment, the only letters which can be used are a two letter code for each country (such as .ca for Canada), or a few generic domains such as ... (view more)

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Google Sour on 'Domain Tasters'

Google Inc. has sent out email notifications on January 24, informing its business partners of a change in the way the company deals with advertising-generated revenues. The new policy is aimed at tackling the prevalent practice of 'domain tasting', ... which critics believe hurts legitimate domain ownership. The practice of domain tasting takes advantage of the Add Grace Period (AGP), which is the allocation of a 5 day grace period during which time registrants can cancel their request for a domain at no cost. Several online businesses have been set up to take advantage of this loop hole, which ... (view more)

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Gmail Flaw Drives Domain Dupe

Own a blog? Like your domain name? Granted, it's hard to believe anyone would really want the first and last name of the average American for a domain, but that's exactly what happened to David Airey and Hackers recently fudged a ... domain transfer on Airey's behalf, and then demanded a ransom for its return. Airey is a web designer and, like many in the tech biz, takes his blog somewhat seriously. Not long ago, he decided to take a break from the stress of work, jetting with his girlfriend to India on an exotic vacation. Unfortunately for Airey, he returned to find that his blog ... (view more)

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VisualRoute Personal Edition Review

Synopsis: Have you ever wondered why you can't connect to a certain web site or wondered "why is the Internet down" or your connection "too slow"? Have you ever wondered who's behind those attacks on your firewall? Well, now you don't have to! ... VisualRoute Internet tracing software is perfect for tracking hackers, spammers, investigating a website, and testing Internet connectivity. Here's how it works: VisualRoute shows you the exact route data takes as it is sent from your computer and traverses through the Internet. All of this crucial information is then placed neatly on a world map, so ... (view more)

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Alert: eBay and SquareTrade scam

Are you being scammed? Need to know the definitive answer right now? READ THIS ARTICLE and then come back to this page when you're finished (if you like). -- Infopackets Reader Rupert H. writes: " Dear Dennis, Last Sunday, I saw a one-day sale for a ... Harley Davidson Sportster 883 motorbike on eBay. The seller had around 500 or 600 positive feedbacks. The sale required that you contact the buyer first before you were allowed to bid, and so I did. The seller wanted to do business through a company called Square Trade. I checked out the website and the company seemed legitimate. 'Square ... (view more)

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Trace the origin of an email abuser?

Over the weekend, I received a fascinating question from Infopackets Reader Ric J.: " Hi Dennis! I just read your email regarding the eBook, 'Email For Newbies v2.1', and have a question about email headers. I know that email headers show persons IP ... address, but, is there anyway that I can find out where a person lives? The reason I ask is because I been having a problem with a person and the only thing I have is the IP address of the individual. Any help would be great; thanks! " My response: The answer is that, yes, you can track the origin of an email to a certain extent -- ... (view more)


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