
John Lister's picture

Scientists: Internet 'At Risk' of Climate Change

Researchers say key physical infrastructure that keeps the Internet working could be underwater within 15 years. They say the effects of climate change over the next century will have an impact on the equipment sooner than later. The researchers, ... from the Universities of Oregon and Wisconsin, explored the risks to US-based infrastructure including both the cables that carry Internet data and the key 'nodes' in the network such as colocation centers. These facilities not only route Internet data, but also house the computers where many websites are physically stored. Major website often rent ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Stuxnet Virus May Be Most Threatening Malware Ever

A group of cyber-security experts told US lawmakers Wednesday that American facilities could be the next target of the Stuxnet virus . The Stuxnet virus made headlines this past summer when it infected USB memory sticks and attacked Siemens ... industrial automation systems. Security experts believe that the virus went beyond the work of an individual prankster and was instead a sinister "game changer". That's because unlike most viruses, which aim either to merely cause disruption or to make money through stealing data or by redirecting web browsers to pay-per-click ads, Stuxnet is ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Apple Admits Suppliers Used Underage Staff

Apple, Inc. says it has discovered that three of its overseas suppliers used a total of 11 staff whose ages were below the legal work minimum. It also found evidence of many workers performing excessive hours or earning below the local minimum wage. ... The firm reports 17 "core violations" of its standards were uncovered this year. This includes three facilities where workers were hired at 15 years of age, despite local minimum working ages being 16. Other problems include eight cases of workers being charged extortionate fees, three cases of suppliers using unauthorized contractors for ... (view more)

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