Google Releases MyMaps

Dennis Faas's picture

Google has recently added a new feature to Google Maps. MyMaps, an added sidebar to the Google Maps main page, allows users to create their own mashups. Users can personalize a map by marking places on the map or adding text, photos and videos. Further, users can choose to publish a map on the web or share a map with friends. (Source:

Some have elected to create mini-stories with the new feature. A Google employee even created a virtual tour of Google Headquarters with MyMaps. If you prefer, check out a world tour of the places where programming languages were invented.

Google aimed for MyMaps to enable non-technical users the ability to create mashups and customize maps anyway they please. (Source:

Product Manager for Google Maps Jessica Lee says that enabling mashups only makes sense. "Who better to create maps than local experts?" she said. (Source:

Reviewers have found MyMaps to be very user friendly -- clearly one of Google's fortes. The drag-and-drop interface makes tagging locations especially easy, although a small amount of HTML knowledge is necessary for adding photos and videos to a map. (Source:

While many users will give Google's new feature a warm welcome, there are some people singing the blues. Businesses such as Platial and Frappr are centred on the ability to create social maps. Google's entrance into this market could be detrimental for these companies. (Source:

Then again, can you really be mad at Google? The company is constantly releasing new products, and MyMaps is a logical extension of Google Maps. Moreover, it make sense for the company to expand the Google community in a way that allows users to further interact.

Remember when Google was just a search engine? Ah, what a distant memory!

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