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Cuban Government Says 'Ok Computer'

Have you ever wondered what life would be like without your computer? Most people can't even fathom it. Would it surprise you to know that until last month, Cubans were restricted from owning computers, surfing the Internet, or having cell phones? ... Until recently, the communist Cuban government (under Fidel Castro) restricted all non-essential expenses, such as air conditioners, luxury cal rentals, and toasters. Average Cubans were not allowed any of these indulgences. (Source: ) In most countries, computers, Internet access and cell phones are an everyday, often integral, part of life ... (view more)

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PC Gaming Gets Industry Boost

Hardware manufacturers and software publishers have banded together to try to boost the depressed PC gaming market. They've formed the PC Gaming Alliance (PCGA), the first organisation ever dedicated to that cause. The non-profit group's aims ... include "driving coordinated marketing and promotion of PC gaming...and creating forums for member companies to cooperate on solutions to challenges facing the PC gaming industry, such as hardware requirements and anti piracy." Members include graphics card rivals ATI and NVidia, hardware firms like Intel and Acer, games producers Epic and Activision, ... (view more)

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'Melissa' Exposes Self, Security Hole

Spammers have recruited an unusual new ally in their battle against security checks: 'Melissa' the virtual stripper. She features in the Captcha Trojan, named because of its attempts to get 'round the 'Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell ... Computers and Humans Apart' technology. This is the system where users have to type in the letters they see in an image, designed to stop computers automatically completing a forum. The spammers behind this case are trying to automatically sign up for multiple Yahoo mail accounts. The Captcha Trojan replaces Yahoo pages with what appears to be a ... (view more)

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All-In-One Computers Are Back in Style

Meet the all-in-one personal computer! A long since forgotten piece of hardware from the 1980's that combines a monitor and processing unit all in one piece. All-in-one personal computers have been around for decades, with the original 1984 ... Macintosh being among the most popular of the models. These all-in-one computers have been efficiently replaced by the more common monitor and tower configuration, because all-in-one computers have always been difficult to repair and upgrade. The failure of one component could dismantle the entire unit. (Source: ) Gateway Inc. has decided to ... (view more)

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Down on Vista Down Under

So, we've read all about Windows Vista in North America. Despite selling some 40 million plus copies, it's generally considered a work in progress (with many consumers avoiding the new Microsoft product altogether). But, what's the mood in other ... parts of the world? In Australia, Queensland Purchasing, part of the Queensland Department of Public Works, procured bids to purchase desktop computers, portable computers and servers for 26 agencies. All the computers are required to be supplied with Windows XP SP2 licenses, Microsoft Office 2003 and media. (Source: ) The department ... (view more)

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Super Computing: Then and Now

There has been a lot of talk (and print) devoted to what is termed 'Super Computing'. The evolving of a PC from a slow running (but reliable) platform into a system that runs circles around the old PC-1. Anyone remember those? IBM was responsible ... for unleashing the original PC on the unsuspecting business world back in the late '70s, early '80s. PC-1 was the very first PC and by today's standards, it is slow! 10 MHz processor speeds, a maximum of 64 KB memory, no hard drive, and a pair of 5.25, 360 KB diskette drives with a monochrome screen. It ran PC-DOS and a fairly wide array of ... (view more)

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HP's newest Energy Star PCs ship with Windows XP

Hewlett-Packard's (HP) newest energy star PCs won't ship with Windows Vista. In order to comply with the new Energy Star 4.0 business desktop computer standards, the Compaq dc5700, dc5750 and dc7700 will be loaded with Windows XP Pro, despite the ... fact the HP recommends Windows Vista Business. Ted Samson, a writer with InfoWorld , interviewed Todd Kruse, the global desktop product manager at HP. "We will introduce Windows Vista configurations that are Energy Star 4.0-ready in the near future. Because we were able to begin testing all the components including the 80% efficient power supply with ... (view more)

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Not all custom built Dell's ship with Vista

Consumers purchasing some high end computers online Dell are having to make those purchases with Windows XP, due to issues with some peripherals that are incompatibile with Windows Vista. There is no indication that the problem is widespread, but ... some customers wanting to build their own computers from Dell may be forced to choose hardware that isn't ready to run on Microsoft Windows Vista. A Dell spokesperson confirmed last Friday that two of its high-end gaming machines won't run the latest version of Microsoft's latest operating system (OS) at all. "There are still some compatibility ... (view more)

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Vista Migration Tools Released by Microsoft

In an attempt to help businesses adapt to Windows Vista, Microsoft has released free tools that will help companies migrate to the new operating system, including software that will allow older versions of Windows to run alongside Vista in a virtual ... environment. Microsoft is hoping the tools will make moving to Vista less painless for business customers, particularly those who depend on older versions of Windows. During a meeting with financial analysts, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer called analysts sales estimates for Vista "overly aggressive" and tried to downplay expectations for OS sales. ... (view more)

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Home Networking Made Easy

I just recently moved to a new address; actually, I moved to the next county. ;-) In the process, I had to drop my Internet provider (Yahoo DSL) and had to go with a local cable provider because of availability. The process was not smooth but it was ... eventually completed and I was back online once all the pieces were connected together. I got to thinking about the steps I took to reconnect my network of computers in order to share Internet, and came to the conclusion that the process was straightforward enough that article would be in order. With DSL access, your Internet provider will ... (view more)


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