insert row

Dennis Faas's picture

Insert Rows and Columns in MS Word Tables

A reader recently wrote: " [In regard to the article ' Insert Rows and Columns in Tables in MS Word '] ... your article forgets to mention that one must right-click on a cell above or below where the inserted row is to go. There is no Table | Insert ... menu item in Word 2007. I appreciate what you are doing at this site but this article was confusing because of the omission." My response: I do apologize if you were confused by my article. You are quite correct; I did not mention that you could right-click on a row above or below to insert a row. Note that I said "could" and not "must." ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Insert Rows and Columns in Tables: MS Word

You've already learned how to add a new row to the bottom of a table by pressing Tab from the bottom-right cell in a table [refer to this article ]. You can also insert rows and columns between existing ones, using the methods below. Choose Table | ... Insert and specify where to insert the new row or column. The menu has a number of choices. To insert a row, first select the row that will move down to make room for the new row. (One way to do this is to move the mouse pointer to the far-left side of the table and click once.) Then click the Insert Row button that appears where the Insert button ... (view more)

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