Latest Defense in Homeland Security: Cell Phones?

Dennis Faas's picture

The United States federal government is in the midst of unveiling their latest defense mechanism against chemical, biological and/or radiological attacks... the common cell phone.

Officials at Homeland Security have revealed that these new cell phones are equipped with detectors that would direct emergency responders to locations where harmful toxins and other biological agents have been released.

While yet to be tested, many experts believe that cell phones could change the way chemical, biological and radiation detection and response is handled.

The U.S. government has invested billions of dollars advancing their security measures following the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Since then, sensors have been implemented along borders, in subway stations and at any other crowded areas believed to be susceptible to terrorist activity. (Source:

Many believe that cell phones could be the fastest response system during a terrorist attack, ensuring that the proper authorities are notified with the simple touch of a button.

The idea came after recognition that the standard detectors could not possibly be implemented in every social cluster, nor would the average U.S. citizen know how to activate these detectors when an attack occurs. (Source:

Many people carry cell phones with them at all times, and so they would be readily available during the time of attack.

Detectors would already be implemented in these cell phones through a program called Cell-Aid and would be linked to the Global Positioning System. If the detector is initialized, the GPS would transmit the time and location to local emergency officials. (Source:

The local emergency units would then notify the much larger police bureaus and various media outlets to issue warnings across the United States.

While many are expecting the program to be initially unsuccessful due to false notifications and contention from those who argue on behalf of privacy concerns, many are still defending the service, noting that the program could be critical in ensuring a safe evacuation and immediate response during times of attack.

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