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YouTube Targets Hispanic Audience with Full-Length Shows

YouTube has struck a content deal with the largest provider of Spanish language television in the United States. The partnership with Univision could be a major breakthrough in the Latino market. As well as a self-titled channel, Univision runs ... TeleFutura and Galavision. It's best known for its broadcasting of telenovellas, a form of soap opera that air in Mexico and Venezuela. However, those won't be part of the YouTube deal because Univision only has TV broadcast rights rather than online rights to the U.S. market. (Source: ) The content which most definitely will air includes ... (view more)

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YouTube Unveils 1080p High-Definition Video

Tired of watching grainy videos on the ideal time-waster, YouTube? Then you'll be happy to hear that the Google-owned video-sharing site will soon be releasing content in gorgeous high-resolution 1080p. YouTube announced over the weekend that, ... starting soon, users will be able to upload any video for viewing in 1080p, generally considered the highest resolution and thus best picture quality available today. The site has even posted a 1080p test video in case you're curious about how good high-def videos will actually look. Nothin' Beats 1080p YouTube first made high-definition video available ... (view more)

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MS Makes Good on Promise, Bing Now Has Porn Filter

With the eyes of the world watching the mass marketing blitz of Microsoft's latest search engine Bing , many have suggested the company filter out adult content to keep it away from children and those who simply don't want to see it. It is no secret ... that this kind of content continues to top the charts when ranking the most popular online material being sought out using an Internet search engine. Subdomains: Microsoft's Answer to Online Porn Filtration When Bing first launched, Microsoft expressed their desire to filter out porn content. But many wondered how it would be able to pull off such ... (view more)

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Pirate Bay Verdict: Is Google Facilitating Piracy?

In the aftermath of the Pirate Bay verdict , many are now on the lookout for other forms of online piracy. Among the latest batch of uncovered copyright-snubbing websites is a Google-based search platform called Torrent Search. Want to watch a hot ... new theater release, but are unwilling to pay the price of admission? Type in the movie title on Torrent Search and you can be instantly directed to thousands of popular piracy websites. Google Fueling Pro-Piracy Campaigns While the search platform was probably not created by someone working for Google, seeing as how almost anyone can create a page ... (view more)

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Disney Ad-Supported Content Coming to YouTube

Disney has taken one step closer to posting many of its popular ABC and ESPN shows on YouTube. For now the deal includes only "short-form video content," but hopes are that the media giant will eventually begin shifting popular TV series to Google's ... iconic video site. It also appears that YouTube mainstream media concerns over copyright conflicts are beginning to dissipate. Despite a recent expedition by Warner to censor any videos using its music, previous deals with studios like MGM demonstrate that YouTube is now being taken very seriously by Hollywood and silver screen heavyweights. ... (view more)

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YouTube Pulls, Censors Videos with Warner Music

Have you considered making a video for YouTube? Do you think it would be cool to add in some hard-driving rock music for that drag racing video, or pump hip hop into a skateboarding demo? You may want to think twice, as music studios continue their ... crusade to rip copyrighted tunes off YouTube. The latest engagement between YouTube's amateur video content producers and the music industry involves Warner Music Group. According to reports, Warner Music is currently crawling the popular Google-owned video site for any of its songs and zapping those it finds. What could it mean for the average Joe ... (view more)

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Facebook Members Condemn Terms of Use

Privacy-minded Facebook members and consumer advocacy groups were victorious this week in forcing the colossal social networking site to reverse policy changes that threatened confidentiality and user control. Members once again blew the whistle on ... potential privacy violations resulting from adjustments to the license on user content. The problematic terms of service gave Facebook "irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license" in relation to user content for "promotional efforts," and also stipulated that deletion of the member account would not ... (view more)

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Australian Internet Censorship Plan Meeting Heavy Criticism

Trials of Australia's mandatory censorship program will begin soon -- details of which the government is refusing to reveal -- despite a high-level report to the Rudd government that found the technology simply does not work, will significantly slow ... Internet speeds, and will block access to legitimate websites. Recently it was announced that Australia would implement mandatory Internet censorship as a way to combat child pornography and adult content. However, this strategy could be extended to include controversial websites focusing on topics like euthanasia or anorexia. Australian users ... (view more)

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YouTube Cleans Up Its Act

YouTube is trying to make it harder for users to distribute 'adult' content. It's part of a plan to clean up the site to avoid scaring off would-be advertisers. The video-sharing site is already much cleaner than many rivals, barring clips with any ... nudity -- let alone sexually explicit content. However, from now on any content deemed too 'suggestive' will be restricted to viewing by those over 18. The formulas used to generate lists of 'most viewed' clips and those which most people have marked as favourites will be redesigned to minimise the likelihood of suggestive clips appearing on the ... (view more)

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Newspapers Might Soon Be Delivered On Mobile Phones

With most national newspapers experiencing record-low subscriber rates, many are starting to wonder if newspapers (at least in printed form) are on the brink of extinction. California start-up company Verve Wireless has come forward with a tempting ... offer that could save many newspaper companies. That's not to say that people are not reading newspaper content. Online newspapers, whether coming from national news sources or reputable newsletters like, are being read by millions of people on a daily basis. In fact, after search engines and email services, newspaper content ( ... (view more)


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