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'Seconfig Xp', and 'Create A Custom Windows Taskbar Toolbar'

Seconfig Xp Seconfig XP is a security configuration utility for boasting the following features: Able to close ports 135, 137-139 and 445 on most systems. These ports (more exactly -- Windows components running behind them) are the major entry point ... in Windows systems for most worms, hackers etc. Seconfig XP simply configures these Windows components not to use TCP/IP as a transport protocol (to leave those ports closed). http://seconfig.sytes.net/ Create A Custom Windows Taskbar Toolbar A demonstration on how to create a custom Windows toolbar for quick access to frequently-used folders and ... (view more)

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'Clean Mem Xp', and 'Easy Flv To Avi Converter'

Clean Mem Xp Clean Mem Xp can improve system performance, clean memory, set cache, show system status and system info. Not only that, it'll detail CPU usage, processes, memory status, and information on your drives. ... http://fotis2.web1000.com/utilities.htm#cleanmemxp Easy Flv To Avi Converter Video and audio utility to convert Flash into AVI files, including MP3 sound. http://www.hihisoft.com/media/ (view more)

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Microsoft Simplifies XP Rollback

Although chairman and recent Harvard graduate Bill Gates has bragged that Microsoft has shipped its new operating system, Windows Vista, some 40 million times, there has been much criticism of the product. That's not news. However, word that ... Microsoft will offer more simplified methods of "downgrading" new systems to Windows XP, is. Much to the company's chagrin, customers have demanded that newly purchased computers ship with the outgoing operating system XP rather than Vista, which took some ten years to create. (Source: networkworld.com ) The new, XP-friendly initiative will help customers ... (view more)

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Deconstructing Windows Vista

Flashback to late January 2007 -- Microsoft releases Windows Vista consumer versions of their "latest and greatest" new operating system (OS) with the marketing hype of "the wow is now". The Vista web site even offers 100 reasons you'll be ... speechless. The top reason? "It makes using your pc a breeze" (provided your computer runs once you've installed Vista). Your chances of effectively using Vista improve if you purchase a new computer with the finicky operating system already loaded. Upgrading older computers is a waste of time and money. Unfortunately for Microsoft, their marketing tactics ... (view more)

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'Xp Detox Wizard', and 'Driver Max'

Xp Detox Wizard Detox Wizard deletes all the unnecessary media installed with MS Windows XP. You can configure it to do your bidding, or use an AUTO mode that requires no user-input. http://optionalreaction.com/ Driver Max DriverMax is a new program ... which allows you to easily reinstall all your Windows drivers. No more searching for rare drivers on discs or on the web or inserting one installation CD after the other. Simply export all your current drivers (or just the ones that work) to a folder or a compressed file. After reinstalling Windows you will have everything in one place. ... (view more)

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Hardware Issues Continue To Plague Vista

Will you be upgrading to Windows Vista any time soon? Vote your opinion at the end of this article! -- At the annual WinHEC (Windows Hardware Engineering Conference) earlier this month, Microsoft issued new numbers in an attempt to bridge troubled ... waters concerning the success of their new Windows Vista operating system (OS). Microsoft claims to have sold almost 40 million copies of Windows Vista in its first 100 days, twice as many copies of Windows XP after its first 100 days. The big question is, who's buying them? PC makers under contract with them? Consumers aren't buying them at a rapid ... (view more)

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Downgrading Vista to XP Difficult, says Tech Experts

If you're looking to purchase a new computer that comes with Vista and are planning on downgrading back to Windows XP, heed these words of caution: it ain't easy. Many system integrators have been frustrated over the time-consuming process of ... downgrading from Vista to XP. In order to do so, users need to phone a special telephone number and obtain a unique key. (Source: theinquirer.net ) As one system builder noted, this can be a huge problem for large organizations. "... the activation has to be done manually. What if you are a customer with a 100 desktops? You'll have to manually key ... (view more)

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'Wintools Vista', and 'Wintools Xp'

Wintools Vista WinTools Vista is a freeware application that provides quick and easy access to Windows Vista's built-in system utilities such as Command Prompt, Device Manager, Disk Cleanup, Registry Editor, User Accounts, and more -- from one ... convenient spot. http://www.kinyonsoftware.com/ Wintools Xp WinToolsXP is a freeware application that provides quick and easy access to Windows XP's built-in system utilities such as Command Prompt, Device Manager, Disk Cleanup, Registry Editor, User Accounts, and more -- from one convenient spot. http://www.kinyonsoftware.com/ (view more)

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Microsoft to Offer Software to Developing Countries for $3

Microsoft has announced its plans to offer its Office software to developing countries. The cost? Only $3. The new plan contrasts the OLPC effort, which aims to equip classrooms in developing countries with an entirely new platform. Rather than ... offering any hardware, Microsoft is expected to rely on the upcoming Intel Classmate PC to run its software. Microsoft is offering Windows XP Started Edition, Microsoft Office 2007 Home and Student Editions, and various other educational programs. (Source: dailytech.com ) Microsoft has dubbed this effort "Unlimited Potential," a title which reflects ... (view more)

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Global Vista Sales Higher Than Expected

Although most of us are aware that Microsoft's latest operating system, Windows Vista, is an improvement to yesterday's XP, few are convinced it's worth the pain of upgrading. Further hurting Microsoft's efforts have been a plethora of ... sensationalist reports on Vista shortcomings, many of which overlook the available improvements. Despite the negative light, Vista appears to be shining on the global stage, accounting for some 20 million licenses sold in a month. Still love XP? It's worth noting that Vista's initial sales are double that of XP, Microsoft's previous operating system. By ... (view more)


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