'Auto Window Manager', and 'Folder Size For Windows'

Dennis Faas's picture

Auto Window Manager

Auto Window Manager automatically manages any window you specify. For instance, some web browsers open up in a non-maximized window. Using Auto Window Manager, you can set those windows to automatically maximize (minimize, normal, minimize to tray, stay on top) every time they opened. It works with almost any program, including web browsers, Notepad, etc. Auto Window Manager stays running in the system tray, so it stays out of your way while it works. Auto Window Manager adds several menu items to standard window menu accessible via application icon in the title bar. The commands are: Minimize to system tray, always keep window on top, Set window transparency, align window, resize window.


Folder Size For Windows

Folder Size for Windows adds a new column to the Windows Explorer details view that displays the sizes of files and folders. A service scans your hard disk in the background and caches the results. Designed for performance.


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