Infopackets on Steroids, Part 2

Dennis Faas's picture

I sure am keeping busy!

With the weather as bad as it's been, there really is no reason for me to leave my comfortable computer chair ... other than to sleep, eat, and use the bathroom.

Today I spent 12 hours marathon-programming multiple web scripts to help automate things, in lieu of the many changes happening to the web site. The newsletter subscriber base has now been reconfigured to accept 2 new fields of data: newsletter frequency (2 or 3 times a week), and the choice of a text or HTML newsletter.

Now that this portion is complete, I'll be updating the web site to accept both requests very shortly. I'm hoping to have that done by tomorrow, and I'll definitely keep you informed. By the way, did I mention there are now 41,750 users who read this newsletter?


I also *totally* re-worked the members-only section of the web site (for purchases). The membership area has been streamlined with much-easier-to-read instruction and provides easier access to my downloadable publications.

Paying retribution to Hackers: the easy way

I received quite a few kudos from users who profusely thanked me for writing about "How to visually trace hackers and find out more about them." If you missed the last newsletter, you should definitely go have a look at it because it tells you how to keep your system safe from PC intruders. Best of all, it doesn't cost a penny!

By the way: I forgot to mention in the last newsletter that there was a previous ongoing discussion on How to Track Down a Hacker. These articles contain alternate methods than what was discussed recently:

RE: SamCleanXP

A software title by the name of SamCleanXP (posted February 12, 2003, How Haiku can Prevent Spam) really stirred up some emotions from users. I received a few complaints stating that this software caused havoc with Windows XP. I was also notified by Bob Helmer of Shell Extension City ... but it wasn't until the newsletter had already been mailed out.

Bob said he's got a helpful message thread on the Shell City web site regarding SamCleanXP, if any of you need it. You can also contact the author of the software for further resolve. The thread is here.

I have since removed this title from the online version of the Gazette. Bob and I are also working together to reduce the number of malware incidents, in order to better protect the readers of this newsletter.

With that said, I will bid you a further adieu (until tomorrow!).

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