The Latest Victim of Hacking: Santa Claus!

Dennis Faas's picture

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.

If you don't believe me, check the records in Nevada. A resident there legally changed his name to Santa Claus. But unfortunately for Mr. Claus, his website -- -- was recently hacked.

What's next? Reindeer-jacking Rudolph, Grand Theft Auto style?

"[Santa] had consulted local experts, which we can only assume were elves, but they were unable to identify anything wrong with his site," Developer Jason Callina wrote in a recent blog post.

But luckily for everyone in Santa's workshop, the jolly folks at StopBadware were eventually able to identify the problem: "Nestled all snug in the bottom of his homepage was a nice little bit of code containing a badware link," Callina stated. (Source:

According to Santa's official website, Santa is a priest and a children's advocate. His Bless the Children Tour sends him across 33 states in the U.S., where he visits legislators and kids "in dire circumstances." All of this is done on a voluntary basis. (Source:

So, with all of those good deeds under his buckle, what did poor Santa ever do to deserve such shoddy treatment? Did he put a lump of coal in the wrong person's stocking? Whatever the case may be, it doesn't look like this particular hacker is going to end up on Santa's "naughty" list after all. That's because the perpetrator hasn't been caught yet. (Source:

At the very least, Callina confirmed, "the workshop is once again a safe place to be." (Source:

Kids and parents can view Santa's homepage here:

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