Gates, Jobs, Flatter and then Feud

Dennis Faas's picture

For those passionate about their computer hardware, sometimes the argument between purchasing an Apple Macintosh or a Windows PC is a heated debate.

Followers of the "Mac" spout a long list of reliability and security factors, while owners of PC machines espouse an equally long list of compatible software. With such a rivalry, it's not surprising that the heads of each company are often bickering about who creates the superior product: emotions that have awkwardly moved from one side of the spectrum to the next in recent days.

On the one hand, online publication AppleInsider has painted a rather glorious picture of the relationship between Microsoft chairman Bill Gates and his opponent at Apple, Steve Jobs.

According to AppleInsider, the two recently complimented each other's work in a joint interview with the Wall Street Journal, with Jobs saying that Gates' early and long-time success can be linked to the fact that "Bill was really focused on the software." Gates returned the pleasantries, stating, "Apple really pursued the dream of building products that we want to use". (Source:

So, is a bright, integrated future ahead for Microsoft and Apple?

Not by a long shot.

In fact, other stories are now breaking on news that Jobs recently compared Microsoft's Windows operating system to "hell". AppleInsider has, for whatever reason, little to say about Jobs statement that, "We've got cards and letters from people that say iTunes is their favorite app on Windows...It's like giving a glass of ice water to someone in hell." (Source:

Ouch. Personally, I'd rather have ice cream. ;-)

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