'True X-Mouse Gizmo For Windows', and 'Xdn Tweaker'

Dennis Faas's picture

True X-Mouse Gizmo For Windows

Over the years Microsoft has undertaken some half-hearted attempts to bring X-Mouse functionality to Windows. Yet the most far reaching, TweakUI, goes only about one fifth of the way. Indeed, to an average X11-user the expression "X-Mouse" means the following: Keyboard focus follows mouse pointer instantly, marked text is placed into the paste buffer instantly on left button release, pasting is done with a single middle button click, and there's even the ability to lower windows with right button click on window decoration. All of the above is what this "True X-Mouse Gizmo" is about!


Xdn Tweaker

About 25 tweaks in a program for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Vista.


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