AutoCorrect in MS Word

Dennis Faas's picture

I received an e-mail from one of my subscribers, making an inquiry as follows:

"We have a health savings account, which is referred to as 'HSA.' I often need to refer to it in inter-office emails, or in Word documents. Even though I have put HSA in my custom dictionary, both Word and Outlook change those three letters (IN ALL CAPS) automatically to HAS.

It won't even highlight the word and then ask me to change it or to 'add to dictionary.' I have to go back within the letters and change them each time I use it. I thought that, once you put something into the custom dictionary, Word and Outlook would accept that as a legitimate spelling. Is there something I missed?"

My Reply:

What you are referring to is MS Word "helping" you with the AutoCorrect feature.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Tools | AutoCorrect Options.
  2. Click on the AutoCorrect tab.
  3. Use the drop-down arrow at the bottom to scroll down until you find the offending HSA that will automatically correct to has.
  4. Click on it to highlight it, and then click the Delete button.

That should resolve the problem for you!

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