
Dennis Faas's picture

AlphaXP Review

Synopsis: Add eye candy and extend the functionality of Windows XP (you won't want to miss this one)! AlphaXP is a *very* cool desktop enhancement utility that adds advanced transparency effects to any Windows 2000/XP computer. It has won many ... five-star awards for excellence and is regarded by thousands of users worldwide. Some of the features have been incorporated into AlphaXP include: three direct ways to set transparency, two automatic ways to set transparency, smooth fade effects, menu transparency, tooltip transparency, taskbar transparency, and much more! To get a better idea of what ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Can't Uninstall / Remove PC Mighty Max?

Infopackets Reader Fred S. writes: " Dear Dennis, I recently download a program called PCMighty Max. The web site said it was free and would fix errors on my computer. The problem is that it has the most annoying warnings and popups which ... practically force you into purchasing the full retail version. Question is: how can I remove PC Mighty Max from my computer? I have tried to remove mightymax from my Control Panel, but, the remove feature is not there. Thank you in advance for your help -- I am a new subscriber and look forward to my first edition! " My response: After a bit of ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Spy Sweeper Review

If told you that 9 out of 10 PC's are infected with some form of Spyware, would you be concerned? According to Webroot Software, you should be! In general, Spyware is software which records information about you or your computer usage -- without ... your knowledge -- and then relays this information to a third party (quite often, for marketing purposes). Spyware has the ability to trace your every keystroke, and may record things such as passwords, credit card numbers, email addresses, and other personal information. All of this makes Spyware a serious threat to privacy and the protection of your ... (view more)


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