
Dennis Faas's picture

'Bootable Live Windows Cd', and 'Google Talk'

Bootable Live Windows CD Build a BartPE -- Bart Preinstalled Environment -- bootable Windows CD-Rom or DVD from the original Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 installation/setup CD: very suitable for PC maintenance tasks. It will give you a complete ... Win32 environment with network support, a graphical user interface (800x600) and FAT/NTFS/CDFS filesystem support. Very handy for burn-in testing systems with no OS, rescuing files to a network share, virus scan and so on. This will replace any DOS bootdisk in no time. Google Talk We recommend this highly! Every ... (view more)

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Two Peas in a Pod: Google and NASA

Between Google's acquisitions and new program launches, the company has still managed to find time to create a partnership with space conglomerate NASA. Google and NASA have come together to sign the Space Act Agreement. The agreement will enable ... the two companies to collaboratively develop a system which will make it easy for people to find weather forecasting data, view high-resolution 3D maps of the moon and Mars, and track the International Space Station in real time. (Source: ) Although the partnership may not seem to be the most natural fit at first, it actually makes ... (view more)

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Microsoft Launches Live Search Books

With the world going digital, new online products and services are constantly being introduced. Earlier this month, Microsoft expanded their online offerings by launching a beta version of "Live Search Books." With the consortium of blogs and ... message boards on the Internet, sometimes legitimate information is not so easy to find online. A Microsoft spokesperson said that Live Search Books is helping users sort through information by making trusted sources -- that is, published books -- available online: "Live Search Books is advancing the way people search online by digitizing and indexing ... (view more)

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Google Patent Search Launched

Google made yet another addition to the expanding Google empire last week, when the company launched the beta version of Google Patent Search. The search engine allows users to search through United States patent filings in a variety of ways, ... including searches by patent number, inventor, filing date, and keyword. Patents that have been issued up to mid-2006 are included in the results. Although international patents and patents applications are not included in the search, it does allow potential inventors (or the perpetually curious) to sift through millions of U.S. patents. (Source: news. ... (view more)

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Googlefirefox Yahooie7

Patronizing is everywhere in the business world. It can happen between any two companies at any time, but there's always one reason behind it: money. Recently, the two competing Internet browsers from Microsoft and Mozilla were released to web users ... across the world. In the weeks since, two of the most popular search engines have "chosen" their favorites, with Yahoo recommending Internet Explorer 7 and Google pushing Firefox 2. The most recent finding is Yahoo's encouragement that searchers use IE7 over the competition. If a user decides to follow the engine's advice, he or she will find that ... (view more)

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Google=Firefox, Yahoo=IE7?

Patronizing is everywhere in the business world. It can happen between any two companies at any time, but there's always one reason behind it: money. Recently, the two competing Internet browsers from Microsoft and Mozilla were released to web users ... across the world. In the weeks since, two of the most popular search engines have "chosen" their favorites, with Yahoo recommending Internet Explorer 7 and Google pushing Firefox 2. The most recent finding is Yahoo's encouragement that searchers use IE7 over the competition. If a user decides to follow the engine's advice, he or she will find that ... (view more)

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Google Stock Prices Soar to $500

For the first time in the history of the company, Google's stock price has surpassed $500 (U.S.). The general estimation is that Google now has a market value of $155 billion. The recent success of Google can be attributed to the favorable ... expectations that Wall Street has announced for the company, which has translated into a 2.3 per cent stock increase. More accurately, Google's stocks now trade at $509.65/share on the NASDAQ Stock Market. The share increase has made Google the second most valuable business in the Silicon Valley, surpassing such electronic super-manufacturing companies as ... (view more)

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Microsoft's Virtual Earth To Rival Google

Microsoft Corporation recently launched a revolutionary software program that will take end-users on a three-dimensional journey through fifteen American cities. The company has made substantial upgrades to their online mapping service and has ... developed a 3D program called "Virtual Earth." (Source: ) The initial set of virtual cities include San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle, Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Detroit, Phoenix, Houston, Baltimore, Atlanta, Denver, Dallas and Fort Worth, with even more cities expected in the future. While the program is still far ... (view more)

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Google Adwords Spill Onto Airwaves

Remember the days when Google was synonymous with the phrase "search engine"? That time has long past -- a result of Google's endeavors into unending lines of new applications. Recently, the company has announced that it will also be expanding into ... offline media, as it ventures into radio ads. Google Spokesperson Michael Mayzel said that the company will begin a public test of Google Audio Ads by the end of this year. The service will use the same AdWords system that Google uses in web searches. For radio advertisers, this means a more customized target; ads will be tailored not only by the ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture May Answer Google's Dominance

Nowadays, it's hard to imagine visiting a search engine other than Google. For years -- the number somewhat irrelevant -- Google has been the "find machine" of choice, directing users to easy-to-navigate lists of the best and also most relevant ... sites in the query range. For this writer, the last prominent search engine used prior to Google was probably Alta Vista...and that was a very, very long time ago (long before Y2K). However, now many insiders consider to be a serious challenger to Google's popularity, and although there's a long way to go, the company is making serious strides ... (view more)


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