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Officials Abused Access to Jackson Records, Report Says

With the death of Michael Jackson now being investigated as a potential homicide, a number of cyber "walls" have been erected to keep the new online records confidential. However, coroner investigations now report that several vulnerabilities exist ... in the two computer systems where the death investigation reports of Jackson are currently stored. An Inside Job The problem is much more serious than the potential for a hacker to access these restricted files from a remote location. Rather, employees are being given unauthorized access to these secretive reports despite being told that this ... (view more)

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US Med Data Held Hostage by Hackers; Ransom: $10M

Over 8 million medical patients' drug prescription records from the Virginia Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) have been stolen by hackers, who are demanding $10 million to return them. The PMP medical records being held for ransom include drug ... prescription information, social security numbers, and driver's license details for over 8 million Virginia patients. (Source: ) Secure Site Replaced with Ransom Demand On April 30, 2009, the secure site for the Virginia PMP was replaced with this ransom demand: "I have your s**t! In *my* possession, right now, are 8,257,378 patient records ... (view more)

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Study: 91% of Data Breaches are Organized Crime

According to a recent study, there were more electronic records being exposed in 2008 than in the previous four years combined. The study suggests that most breaches could have been avoided had the proper precautions been put in place. An astounding ... 99% of breaches were done through servers and applications, rather than desktop computers, notebooks, mobile phones or portable media combined. Verizon Business Data Breach Investigations A 2009 Verizon Business Data Breach Investigations Report (PDF) analyzed 90 confirmed breaches from 2008 that affected 285 million records. A previous report ... (view more)

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Swap Health Records with Google, Family, Friends

Google has released a new feature for their Google Health service that allows users to share their online health records with specified friends, doctors and family members. Google Health is a service that allows users to input their medical data ... into an online system. The system merges all separate records into one centralized account for the user. Since it uses the Internet to collect data, Google Health also gathers information on medical conditions and interactions between drugs and allergies. (Source: ) Google Health for Friends and Family Before the feature was introduced, only ... (view more)

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Are Bush Admin Computers a Crime Scene?

David Gewirtz, author of 'Where Have All the Emails Gone?' reportedly wrote an open letter to President-elect Obama asking that his administration please treat the White House computers like crime scene evidence. By failing to preserve official ... emails, the Bush White House has technically committed a federal crime by violating the Presidential Records Act and The Federal Records Act. The first few weeks of the Obama Administration taking office are going to be critical in preserving that information. Forensic evidence needs to be gathered before it's lost in the flurry of incoming activity. ( ... (view more)

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8.3 Million Personal Records Compromised?

The Washington Post reports that at least 8.3 million personal and financial records of consumers were potentially compromised by data spills or breaches at businesses, universities and government agencies in the first quarter of 2008, according to ... a report released from the Identity Theft Resource Center. The Identity Theft Resource Center ( ITRC ), based in San Diego tracked public reports of 167 data breaches in the first three months of 2008. 448 data breaches were recorded in 2007 by the ITRC. Detailed breakdowns from the first quarter of 2008 are available from the ITRC here (PDF) and ... (view more)

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Can I See Some IP, Please?

Internet Protocol addresses (IP) are used to identify computers and the actions they take on the Internet. IPs are routinely stored by search companies and other online businesses to help improve search results and provide advertisers with complete ... billing data. While this practice has been questioned before, with Google's pending bid to purchase advertiser DoubleClick, European leaders are taking a hard look at these business practices. Peter Scharr, Germany's data-protection commissioner, believes that IPs are not just a tool for companies to use, but a form of personal identification that ... (view more)

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Judge Orders FBI To End ISP Spying

For many of us in the tech world, security is of absolute importance. We invest in anti-virus and anti-spyware software, use cryptic passwords, and look over our shoulder whenever entering log-in names. Few of us would expect that none of these ... measures could protect us from one foe: the FBI. How many of us support the U.S. government's Patriot Act, a measure instituted by the Bush administration not long after the September 11th attacks? Many simply don't realize what the Patriot Act includes; although Michael Moore touched on it in his controversial documentary Fahrenheit 9/11, the act ... (view more)

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Filtering Data in MS Excel

A single data list may contain records that fall into several categories or groups. Depending on the size of the data list, it may be difficult to focus on all of the records that belong to a specific group. Data filtering in MS Excel enables the ... user to work with a subset of data within the data list. When a filter is created, only the records that contain the values specified are displayed. Other records in the data list are hidden temporarily. AutoFilter is an automated filtering tool included in Excel. When AutoFilter is applied to a data list, the column headings change to drop-down list ... (view more)

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Acoustica Spin It Again Review

Synopsis: Got any 'oldies but goodies' stored away on records and tapes? Wish you could port those precious memories over to a more robust medium, like CD or iPod (MP3 player)? With Acoustica Spin It Again -- you can! Dust off your old 33's and ... 45's, because Spin It Again can rip through your old vinyl records and cassettes and convert them to CD or MP3 format in no time flat! Not only can Spin It Again split an entire album recording into individual tracks automatically, but it can also clean the sound by getting rid of click and pop record noise, and by removing the hiss and hum off old ... (view more)


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