
Dennis Faas's picture

Password Saver Review

Synopsis: Password Saver is a powerful, feature-rich solution for storing all your password information in a secure, centralized database on your hard drive. It uses industrial strength 256-bit encryption to keep your passwords secure, while ... providing an easy-to-use interface for organizing, adding and editing your password records. Password Saver provides many pre-defined templates for commonly used records such as web site and email accounts, so you can get started adding data right away. Password Saver's advanced import/export features also let you share passwords with co-workers and ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Converting Records and Cassettes to CD

To me, Christmas time means reminiscing with great holiday songs from the past. Each year I visit my folks, it's customary to hear the sweet melodies of Bing Crosby played on the record player. For some, the static and the pops heard while a record ... plays are part of the nostalgia. However, the truth is that over time, records and cassette tapes deteriorate and the quality of sound diminishes. Dealing with Digital Media on a regular basis, quite often I'm asked how to convert records and cassettes to a more versatile format. Converting old records and cassettes to digital formats is a labor of ... (view more)

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Changing Domain Registrars

Last week the last issue of the Infopackets Gazette was sent out. At the same time, a configuration change was made to the web server which hosts What happened? It's a long story, but I'll try to reiterate in simple mumbo-jumbo ... without too much techy-talk. As you may already know, has experienced a major growth spurt in the last few months and has outgrown its current web server configuration. Therefore, it was decided that should be moved to a dedicated web server which offers unlimited bandwidth to fit the needs of its users. A purchase was ... (view more)


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