Need Glasses for the Slide Sorter View in MS PowerPoint?

Dennis Faas's picture

Subscribers to my newsletter have told me that they find themselves squinting when using the Slide Sorter view in PowerPoint.

The slides can be kind-of tiny and if they all are similar it can be a real problem differentiating between them.

Here is what I told my subscribers:Use the Zoom box which is located in the Standard and Formatting toolbars. With this you can change the value to any number from twenty percent up to a hundred percent!   You can use the drop-down arrow on the right-hand slide and select a zoom value.   Alternatively, you can click inside the zoon box and type a value and then click on your Enter key.   If your mouse has a scroll wheel, you can place your mouse over the slides on your screen and hold down the CTRL key and scroll the wheel. Your slides will then zoom in and out.

Hopefully one of these methods will work as well for you as it did for my subscribers!

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