
Dennis Faas's picture

New GPS Device Promises to Save the Lives of the Adventurous

Globalstar has launched a new GPS device specifically targeted at backpackers, hunters and wildlife enthusiasts. In reality, the latest product could save the life of anyone trapped in a foreign and secluded area. The Spot Satellite Messenger can ... trace the whereabouts of an individual at the push of a button. When help is needed, Spot sends out a signal that displays the longitude and latitude coordinates along with a prepared text or email message to loved ones and the authorities. (Source: ) The only down side to the service is that there is virtually no way of knowing if your ... (view more)

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Sony W580i Walkman Set To 'Shake Up' The Mobile Phone Industry

While the mobile phone industry continues to fawn over the incredible features found in the iPhone, it is important to remember that several other devices currently exist that provides equal (or in some cases) better options than Apple's device. ... Meet the latest competitor in the mobile phone market: The Sony W580i Walkman. The W580i Walkman is currently available through Rogers via Sony Ericsson and immediately distinguishes itself from the Apple iPhone with the tag line, it "doesn't shakes!" (Source: ) The W580i possesses the sleekest-looking frame out of any ... (view more)

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Pencils, Erasers, Rulers...iPods?

It should come as little surprise that children take their iPods with them to school. Traditionally, the device has been referred to as a distraction for students during class time and most teachers will only allow students to take them out at ... designated periods of the school day. A student who takes out their device prematurely may face a detention, removal of their iPod or, in some extreme cases, an expulsion. (Source: ) However, a few schools in the U.S. are raising some eyebrows for handing out iPods to their students, while encouraging them to sing along to their favorite pop ... (view more)

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Apple Enters PDA Market?

After mastering MP3 players, it looks like PDAs may be up next for Apple. Sources at AppleInsider claim that for the past 18 months a group of Apple engineers have been hard at work on developing a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) model. The team is ... said to be looking at ways to integrate the company's unique touch-screen technology into the device. This is not Apple's first time developing a PDA; in the late 1990's, the company had developed the Apple Newton MessagePad. Unfortunately, the device never made it to production. (Source: ) In fact, the Newton was only spoken about ... (view more)

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Switch to the Internet and All Phone Calls Are Free?

Two new start-up companies are looking to entice the average consumer to make all of their telephone calls over the Internet and bypass the high-priced local phone and cable television companies. Using the service will may result in free calls, and ... will be compatible with almost all standard-issued phone handsets. But, in a world where most good things come with a catch, the "free calls" are not initially free. The one-time hardware cost and subsequent low annual membership fees have many believing that nationwide calling from a regular home phone is getting really close to eventually ... (view more)

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Technology Makes It (Almost) Impossible to Lose Your Pooch!

If you've taken a stroll through the park recently, you might have noticed a number of dogs sporting collars with attached ID tags, trinkets, G.P.S. equipment and...G.P.S. equipment? Garmin, a manufacturer of global positioning equipment, now makes ... tracking devices that keeps tabs on dogs whether they are walking through the park for exercise or chasing down a rabbit during a hunt. The latest Global Positioning System comes in two parts: a hand-held unit for the owner and another device that is mounted directly onto the collar or harness of the animal. (Source: ) Now if the dog ... (view more)

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Nike + iPod Kit = Security Threat?

Oops! The new product from Apple and Nike seems to do more than monitor athletes' workout information. As two University of Washington researchers discovered, the Nike + iPod Sport Kit can be harmful to the privacy and security of those who use it. ... The Nike + iPod Sport Kit is comprised of two parts: a chip which resides inside the running shoe and a receiver which attaches to an iPod. The receiver stores information obtained from the chip, and after a workout, users can upload information such as distance travelled and speed. (Source: ) Sounds like a great idea, and perhaps ... (view more)

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Touch-Screen iPod Next for Apple?

Apple may be in the works to develop a touch-screen iPod. Recently, the company filed a patent that has put the future of the iconic "click wheel" in question; the patent specifically describes "a multiple-function multimedia device activated by ... touch-screen 'bezel' technology." While the application of such technology is unknown, many are speculating it will be used on a new version of the iPod or on an iPod-like device. Others suggest an integrated device that doubles as a digital camera. (Source: ) The possible demise of the click-wheel may not come as a total surprise. ... (view more)

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'Port Device', and 'Mini Application Server'

Port Device Program to access Printer Ports. Designed for ALL versions of Windows (95/98/NT/2K/XP). Mini Application Server Mini is a application server designed to be simple and have a small footprint. It has the features you ... need to be able to develop small web applications that you want to deploy on a machine with modest hardware. Mini is implemented as a windows service and runs under windows 2000/XP/Vista. Mini is developed by Toni Thomsson and is still under heavy development, far from finished, especially the documentation, which for the moment is quite sparse. ... (view more)

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Available Space Misreported by USB drive?, Part 2

A recent question raised a red flag in my mind. I think most, if not all, of you read my 'brief' description of about what happened to the missing 32 MB on a 512 MB Thumb Drive: Available Space Misreported by USB drive? Allow me to explain in ... greater detail. On a hard drive, thumb drive, or any other storage device in common use, the capacity displayed on the carton is the maximum 'raw' or usable number of bytes the device can hold. However, a device that 'says' it can hold 512 MB of data will not display the number 512 MB after it has been formatted. As stated in the previous article , some ... (view more)


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