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Google Working on Super Smartphone: Report

Google is reportedly working on a super smartphone. Dubbed the 'X Phone', it will directly compete with the Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy series. However, Google is reportedly having significant problems designing the new device. Google is working ... on the project with Motorola, the major electronics manufacturing firm it recently acquired for $12.5 billion. This marks the first time the two companies have worked together to build a smartphone. Reports also indicate the Google and Motorola partnership will produce a special 'X Tablet' computer. 'X Phone' a Feature-Rich Device Reports suggest ... (view more)

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iPhone 5S Due June 2013: Analyst Predicts Features

A prominent tech industry analyst has predicted that an update to the iPhone 5, the iPhone 5S, will ship in June 2013. Aside from improved hardware specifications, the analyst believes the new device will also come in a number of different colors. ... Jeffries analyst Peter Misek recently unveiled his predictions for a new version of the iPhone 5. Misek believes the device will come equipped with a "super HD" camera and screen and will feature a longer battery life. iPhone 5S to Receive Long-Awaited NFC Technology Misek also believes an updated iPhone 5 will receive Near-Field Communication (NFC ... (view more)

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Microsoft Surface Pro: Official Pricing Set

Microsoft has officially set the price for its upcoming Surface Pro tablet computer. When it goes on sale early next year, the device will retail for $899 and up. Microsoft's Surface tablet officially launched on October 26, 2012 (along with Windows ... 8), but observers made clear that was just one of the versions of the Surface that Microsoft has been developing. The Surface released in October runs Windows RT, a slimmer version of Windows 8 designed for portable devices with more limited hardware specifications. The new Surface Pro is capable enough to run a full-fledged version of Windows 8. ... (view more)

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Lock Hacker Carries Out Texas Crime Spree

A string of hotel room thefts in Texas has brought into question the security of an estimated 10 million electronic door locks commonly used worldwide in hotels and other facilities. Back in July, a security researcher demonstrated a problem with a ... system known as Onity HT locks. He said the technology is used in one-third of hotels worldwide and covers more than half of all locks now in use. The researcher, Cody Brocious, says the main flaw in the system is the equipment used for two specific purposes: opening a door when the battery in the lock has failed and creating a master key card for ... (view more)

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Doctors Sold on iPad Mini, Survey Shows

Apple's new iPad Mini is receiving a ringing endorsement from physicians. According to a recent poll conducted by medical app developer Epocrates, one in three doctors have made the decision to purchase the device. Contemporary competitors like ... Microsoft (with their Surface line of tablets released last month) have invested tremendous resources in beefing up their display and touch features. However, the small size of the iPad Mini has become the biggest selling point for 90 per cent of the Epocrates survey's respondents. The other advantage of owning an iPad Mini, according to doctors ... (view more)

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Apple Reveals iPad Mini, New iPad

Apple finally unveiled the long-rumored iPad Mini at a press event in San Jose, California, on Tuesday, October 23. The firm also showed off new versions of the standard iPad and a revamped MacBook Pro. The iPad Mini was clearly the star of this ... show, however. Despite former Apple Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs having once dismissed 7-inch tablets, the firm has long been developing a device to compete in the rapidly growing lower-end tablet niche. 7.9-Inch Screen, No Retina Display, $329 The iPad Mini weighs just 0.68 pounds and measures only 7.2 millimeters thick. The screen is 7.9- ... (view more)

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Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet: Windows 8 Pro, Office 2013

With Apple preparing to release an iPad Mini and Google capturing critical acclaim for its $199 Nexus 7 device, the current focus of prominent tablet makers appears to be on the lucrative sub-$500 segment of the market. However, popular hardware ... firm Lenovo is heading in a different direction. Its new ThinkPad Tablet 2, running Microsoft's upcoming operating system (OS), Windows 8, takes a significantly higher-priced approach. Lenovo is well-known for its durable, high-performance ThinkPad laptops marketed to business types. It plans to release its high-end ThinkPad Tablet 2 on October 26, ... (view more)

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Motorola RAZRi Features Super-Fast Intel Processor

Last week, Apple created a huge stir by unveiling its iPhone 5 smartphone. Already analysts are predicting the company will sell 48 million of the handhelds by the end of 2012. But Motorola is hoping to steer some consumers away from Apple with its ... RAZRi, which the company showed off in a public demonstration on Tuesday, September 18. With the new device boasting the fastest processor ever in a smartphone, Motorola called the RAZRi release the "biggest launch since the original RAZR." Super-Fast Processor Could Give RAZRi the Edge At the demo, the company proudly highlighted the RAZRi's ... (view more)

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LulzSec Hacks FBI, Steals Apple User Data: Report

A hacking group says it has acquired personal information associated with 12 million Apple user accounts, and that it got those details by hacking into an FBI agent's computer. So far, the group has published data from one million of those Apple ... accounts. The publication comes from LulzSec , a group whose name is a combination of "security" and a slang term for carrying out online activities for the sake of amusement ("Lulz"). Last summer, the same group leaked documents belonging to Sony Pictures. LulzSec claimed it ceased operations after a 50-day campaign. But later it re-emerged ... (view more)

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Dell Windows 8 Tablet 'Flips' Into Laptop Mode

Samsung recently announced it is putting its very own Start button in its forthcoming Windows 8 PCs. Now, Dell has unveiled its own twist on the standard formula: a hybrid tablet-laptop device running Microsoft's upcoming operating system (OS), ... Windows 8. The Dell XPS Duo 12 is intended to be used as both a touchscreen tablet computer and a standard laptop PC. Physically, it can open up just like a regular laptop. But it can easily switch to tablet mode by flipping the display through its frame, and swiveling it until it latches in place with magnets. Dell Improves Upon Inspiron Duo Design If ... (view more)


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