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Google Glass Already In Trouble, Survey Finds

Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt recently said his company's Google Glass technology is still a year away . However, a new report indicates that many consumers wouldn't use the device even if it was available right now. A recent survey of ... 1,000 Americans found that only one in ten people would wear Google Glass technology on a regular basis. The survey, which was carried out by Bite Interactive, found that many Americans feel the device is "too socially awkward." SNL Skewers Google Glass Not helping the situation: a recent "Saturday Night Live" sketch that ridiculed the ... (view more)

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Microsoft Developing Own 'Smart Watch': Report

New reports indicate that Microsoft may be jumping on the 'smart watch' bandwagon. According to The Wall Street Journal, Microsoft suppliers are currently preparing a "watch-style device" prototype. To build the prototype, Microsoft has reportedly ... ordered 1.5-inch displays. Microsoft has not yet commented on the rumor and it remains entirely possible that the firm will decide that marketing a smart watch device is not a good idea. (Source: ) Microsoft Smart Watch: Second Attempt It's worth noting that the Redmond, Washington-based firm has explored the idea of developing a ... (view more)

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Apple Patent Seeks to Protect Dropped iPhones

The only thing worse than paying hundreds of dollars for a smartphone is dropping and breaking said expensive smartphone. Now, it appears Apple is working on a technology that would allow a phone to identify and properly prepare for a fall. A ... recently revealed patent filing by Apple (called "Protective Mechanism for an Electronic Device") describes a number of different ways to protect an electronic device in the event of a fall. The goal: to lessen or eliminate the physical damage inflicted by such a traumatic event. Special Mechanism Used for Safe Landings According to AppleInsider, Apple ... (view more)

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Tiny Bluetooth Device Helps Fight Cancer, Diabetes

The Bluetooth technology behind smartphones and other mobile devices has been adapted for medical purposes. Swiss scientists have developed a blood-testing gadget that is implanted under the patient's skin and can wirelessly communicate vital health ... information. The matchstick-shaped gadget is just under half an inch long and can be injected into the skin through a needle. It then lies in the interstitial tissue, which is just below the skin. Once in place, the implant can test for the presence and levels of five different substances in the blood, including proteins, organic acids, glucose, ... (view more)

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Google Glass Compatible with Prescription Eyewear

Google has announced good news for four-eyed people like me: the company's upcoming Google Glass technology will be compatible with prescription eyewear. If you haven't heard of it, Google Glass is new, cutting-edge technology that allows wearers to ... access unique applications displayed in front of their eyes. The device looks like a cross between a set of the latest, trendy eye glasses and the special visor worn by Geordi La Forge in the popular 1990s sci-fi show "Star Trek: The Next Generation." Google Glass to Retail for $1,000 or More So, what can Google Glass do? New ... (view more)

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myIDkey: Voice-Activated Password Protection

A new 'Kickstarter' project is getting a whole lot of attention from PC security experts. That's because the device attached to the project 'myIDkey' is a USB stick that effectively protects a user's passwords by using cutting-edge security ... technologies. Kickstarter is an online funding and investment service that allows everyday people to invest in ideas they like. The company behind a product establishes an investment goal and if enough people contribute and that firm reaches its goal, it gets to use the cash towards developing the new product. Those who invest get a share in the new ... (view more)

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Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2: Super-Long Battery Life

Microsoft's new Surface Pro tablet computer has taken a lot of flak in recent weeks. One big complaint about the device: its battery life is too short . If you're looking for a tablet computer with a long battery life, then it might be worth ... checking out Lenovo's new ThinkPad Tablet 2. Like the Surface Pro, the new Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2 uses Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system. Also like the Surface Pro, it offers a 64GB solid state drive for storage and a separate Bluetooth keyboard, which can be purchased for $120. However, that's where the similarities between the two devices end. So ... (view more)

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Dell's Project Ophelia PC the Size of a Flash Drive

Dell is reportedly preparing to release one of the smallest computers in the world. It's possible the device, which Dell calls "Project Ophelia," could prompt other PC manufacturers to build tiny, portable computers like it. Project Ophelia is a ... full-functioning computer that measures just 3.5 inches long and 1.5 inches wide. All in all, it's not much bigger than a USB flash drive. Device Powered by PC Monitor, TV Project Ophelia is powered by the USB port of a larger screen, such as a PC monitor or high-definition television. Dell suggests that the best way to run the device is ... (view more)

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Microsoft's $900 Surface Pro Coming February 9

Microsoft has announced its Surface Pro tablet computer will be available for purchase in the United States and Canada starting Saturday, February 9, 2013. The Surface Pro is an enhanced version of the standard Surface tablet PC that Microsoft ... released late in 2012. The original Surface, called the Surface RT , runs Windows RT, a trimmed-down version of Windows 8. Priced at $499 (and up), the Surface RT's hardware specifications include 16GB or 32GB of main storage, 2GB of RAM, and an ARM-architecture processor. Surface Pro: Core i5 CPU, Windows 8 Pro The Surface Pro, by contrast, includes ... (view more)

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Acer Building $99 7-Inch Tablet Computer: Report

A new report indicates that PC manufacturer Acer is now working on a sub-$100 tablet computer. At the moment, however, no one appears to know when or even if such a device will make its way to the United States. With 2011 revenue in excess of $16 ... billion, Taiwan-based Acer is one of the world's largest PC manufacturers. The firm currently produces both laptop and desktop computers, as well as smartphones, storage devices, and standalone PC monitors. $99 Acer Tablet Features Dual-Core Processor However, like many other manufacturers in the technology industry, Acer is currently trying to earn ... (view more)


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