Windows Tips

Dennis Faas's picture

Scammed by Here's What to Do

Infopackets Reader Tricia B. writes: " Dear Dennis, I stumbled across your article on PC / Web Network Experts after researching scam . A few weeks ago I was using my PC when suddenly I received a popup virus alert stating that my PC ... was infected. I called 1-833-257-8555 and spoke to a man with a thick Indian accent . They then connected to my PC remotely and installed some antivirus software to 'fix' the 'problems'. They then wanted me to sign a 3 year contract with them for $898 . I told them 'No,' and that I would pay $350 for a 1 year contract. They kept insisting that I ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Explained: Do I need a VPN on a Public Network?

Infopackets Reader Neil W. writes: " Dear Dennis, Thanks for your interesting article on whether a VPN is safe for online banking . However, one question I can't seem to find the answer to is: do I need VPN on a public network? Do I need a VPN on a ... private network? What about a VPN on a shared network? An example might include a student doing banking at a university shared network. What do you think? " My response: Short answer: A VPN, or virtual private network is useful in a few cases - for example: hiding your tracks online (to some extent, but with major limitations) or accessing geo- ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Scammed by Quick PC Experts? Here's What to Do

Infopackets Reader Jeanie G. writes: " Dear Dennis, I believe I have been scammed by Quick PC Experts ( ). I was using my web browser and suddenly a virus warning appeared on my screen, stating that I needed to call Microsoft ... certified support at 1-855-724-2570 . There was no way for me to close the virus alert window. I was very frightened and so I called the 1-800 number. The person I spoke to had a very thick Indian accent . Quick PC Expert then confirmed that my computer was infected, and that's when I let them remotely connect to my PC. They installed a firewall and ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Explained: Does Microsoft Send Virus Alerts?

Infopackets Reader Jamil S. writes: " Dear Dennis, Lately I have been inundated with Microsoft virus alerts in my web browser claiming that my PC is infected and to call a 1-800 number to fix the problem. There is no way to dismiss the window. The ... Microsoft virus alerts appear suddenly and without warning, even if I'm on (for example). Sometimes the alerts have a very loud verbal pronouncement of a virus and insist that I call the number on the screen. Does Microsoft send virus alerts? Or is this fake? I have scanned my PC and it says no viruses. What gives? " My response: Does ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Explained: Can I Remove Java Updates? Is it Safe? How?

Infopackets Reader Gloria D. writes: " Dear Dennis, The other day I went to uninstall a program on my Windows 10 PC using Control Panel -> Programs and Features, and noticed there were about 20 or more Java updates installed on my system. I ... regularly receive messages from the Windows 10 Action Center that there is a new Java update available and that I need to download it due to security updates, which I always do. Therefore, I have four questions: is it safe to remove old Java updates? If so, which Java updates can I uninstall? Can I remove older Java versions? Is the latest Java ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How to Fix: Disable All Windows 10 Notifications (or a few)

Infopackets Reader Debra P. writes: " Dear Dennis, Lately I have been inundated with Windows 10 popup notifications that come from websites I've visited previously. I also receive a lot of email alerts. The popups are coming from bottom right corner ... of my screen and I have no idea how to stop it. Can you please tell me how to disable all Windows 10 notifications ? " My response: I asked Debra if she would like me to connect with her using my remote desktop support service in order to have a closer look, and she agreed. Below I will discuss my findings. How to Fix: Disable All Windows 10 ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How to Fix: Chrome Installation Failed 0x80070002 Error

Infopackets Reader Simon J. writes: " Dear Dennis, Last week I had a fake 'virus warning' error message pop up in Chrome while I was viewing It said my computer was infected and to call a 1-800 number to 'fix' the 'problem'. After ... reading your articles, I knew it was a scam. At any rate, I did an antivirus and antimalware (malwarebytes) scan on the system - both said my system was clean. Flash forward a few days later and I got another fake 'virus warning' in Chrome. At this point I uninstalled Chrome, then deleted the c:\users\[my user name]\appdata\local\google\chrome folder ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How to Fix: Can't Move Folder, Same Location (Windows 10)

Infopackets Reader Tina J. writes: " Dear Dennis, I recently did a clean install of Windows 10 May 2019 Update (version 1903) on my main PC. My C drive is an SSD and only has 120GB of available space. As such, I have modified my the location of my ... Documents, Pictures, Music, and Video so that it points to the D drive which has 2TB of available space. In the past this hasn't been an issue, but since the Windows 10 May 2019 update, I cannot redirect my Pictures or Documents folder to the D drive - though both the Music and Videos folders had no problems changing locations. When I try to move ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How to Fix: Firefox Links Suddenly Open in New Window, Profile

Infopackets Reader Sammy G. writes: " Dear Dennis, I have a very strange problem. A few days ago my system upgraded to Firefox 67 . Now every time I click on an external link, a new Firefox window opens up instead of the link opening up in my ... existing Firefox window . Also, the new Firefox window doesn't have any of my addons enabled, which is strange. Before Firefox upgraded, all links opened up in my existing Firefox window. I have tried fixing the problem by setting Firefox as my default browser. I have also tried resetting my Windows 10 Default Programs browser to Edge, then back to ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

How to Fix: VPN Disconnect While Torrenting (Exposes IP)

Infopackets Reader Antonio S. writes: " Dear Dennis, I use torrents to download files on the Internet. To hide my IP address while torrenting, I use a VPN service. The problem is that sometimes I lose connection to my VPN service, and then my ... torrent client exposes my IP address to the rest of the world. This is a big problem because I wish to remain anonymous when torrenting. Can you tell me if there is a way to stop the torrent when VPN disconnects ? " My response: I spent some time researching this issue. The best way to prevent your real IP from being seen if your VPN disconnects is to ... (view more)


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